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  • 08.26.2024

[Important] Triple Triad End of Service Announcement (Nov. 25, 26)

News tt

Thank you for using the FINAL FANTASY Portal App.

Regrettably, service for the Triple Triad game within the app will be ending on November 25, 2024 at 6:00 PM PST/November 26, 2024 at 2:00 AM GMT.
(Service for the FINAL FANTASY Portal App itself will not be ending.)

The team would like to apologize to everyone who uses the app for ending this service.

Ever since introducing the Triple Triad game to the FINAL FANTASY Portal App on August 20, 2015, we have continuously strived to improve the quality of the service. However, it recently became clear we would not be able to maintain the same standards going forward, and as a result we have decided to remove the game from the app.

We would like to sincerely thank all of you who have enjoyed playing Triple Triad till now and apologize for having to end this service.

■End of Service Schedule
・Triple Triad End of Service Announcement (This Notice)
8:00 PM Sunday, August 25, 2024 (PDT)
4:00 AM Monday, August 26, 2024 (BST)

・End of GIL Sales (Same Time as this Notice)
8:00 PM Sunday, August 25, 2024 (PDT)
4:00 AM Monday, August 26, 2024 (BST)
(Any GIL users currently possess can be spent until Triple Triad is removed from the app.)

・End of Service
6:00 PM Monday, November 25, 2024 (PST)
2:00 AM Tuesday, November 26, 2024 (GMT)

■ Item Exchange for Triple Triad Cards
We will lower the required number of points to 0 for all Triple Triad cards accessible via the “Triple Triad” option under “Item Exchange” within the app until the end of service.
(Please confirm that the number of points listed on the exchange screen is also “0” when exchanging points for cards.)

There is not much time left until the end of service on Monday, November 25, 2024 (PST)/Tuesday, November 26, 2024 (GMT), but we hope you continue to enjoy playing Triple Triad until then.

Sunday, August 25, 2024 (PDT)/Monday, August 26, 2024 (BST)

■ '미사용 게임 내 재화(유료 발행분)' 환불 안내
・서비스 종료 후, '미사용 게임 내 재화(유료 발행분 GIL)'에 대한 환불을 실시합니다. 환불에 관한 자세한 내용은 추후 Triple Triad 내에서 안내해 드리겠습니다.
・각종 문의에 대응하려면 고객 데이터 확인이 필요하므로, '미사용 게임 내 재화(유료 발행분 GIL)'의 환불 절차가 완료될 때까지는 FINAL FANTASY Portal App을 삭제하거나 기종 변경으로 인해 FINAL FANTASY Portal App을 재설치하지 않으시기 바랍니다.
・환불 대상자는 한국 및 대만 거주자에 한합니다.

‧本服務結束後,「未使用的遊戲內貨幣(付費購買部分的GIL)」將會退費給各位客戶。預計日後會在「Triple Triad」公布詳細退費流程。
‧若您有任何問題,由於諮詢時敝公司需要確認客戶資料,在「未使用的遊戲內貨幣(付費購買部分的GIL)」的退費手續完成之前,請不要刪除「FINAL FANTASY Portal App」或因為更換裝置而重新安裝「FINAL FANTASY Portal App」。